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From Skepticism to Opportunity: A Software Engineer’s Transition to Finance

By: Jacob Kozhipatt | June 27, 2023
QuantumArtificial Intelligence

A conversation with Aurobindo Nayak, software engineer for the FCAT blockchain team.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

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We live in a world where our work often defines our identities. The first question most people ask when they’re introduced to someone new is: “So, what do you do?” For most of us, we will spend more time working than we do with our hobbies, friends, and even families.

As such, finding meaning and feeling valued in our chosen profession becomes paramount.

FCAT India engineer Aurobindo Nayak –– who goes by Auro –– speaks about why Fidelity Center for Applied Technology provides him with meaning and opportunity.

But Fidelity’s a financial firm?

After spending years working in Enterprise Resource Planning software, Auro “arrived at that point in [my] career where I had learned literally everything that I needed to learn in the space, both from a technical and functional point of view.”

“So around 2016, I started exploring what I could change in my career. I actually stumbled upon the Bitcoin whitepaper around 2014, but at the time, I just dismissed it as another scam.”

Despite his initial hesitation, Auro kept hearing about crypto –– and in November 2016 he eventually bit the bullet and read the Bitcoin white paper. His first reaction after reading it? “I have no idea what he, she, or they is talking about,” Auro shares.

He continues: “[Eventually it] dawned on me and I’m like: ‘Wow, this could solve so much.’ And that's the exact point I decided that I should work in this space.”

To Auro, the promise of Bitcoin marks an almost incomprehensible change to our present economic and technological systems. His new problem, however, was finding a company that would give him the opportunity to work, learn, and build in the crypto space. Back in 2017 this was no easy task.

Room to grow

After working for a crypto-related startup, Auro heard about an opportunity to work with FCAT.

“I was like: ‘What? Fidelity is a financial company. How could I possibly have more career growth there?” Auro recalls.

After speaking with those who would become his teammates and learning about the fascinating projects they were tackling, Auro decided to take a leap of faith –– one that in hindsight he is grateful for.

Auro mentions that Fidelity’s size and long-term commitment to innovation gives him a level of confidence that he can continue to build and work on ambitious projects.

It brings to mind a quote that the global head of FCAT, Jorge Nario, always reminds associates, that “FCAT is a blend of a startup and a major company” –– with FCAT having the resources and security of a big company but moving at the pace of an emerging business.

Auro then spoke about the best part of working at FCAT India… the food!

Auro mentions that the office is equipped with a range of great food options (his go to option is Dosa –– a Indian savory crepe), modern vending machines, and even a late-night chai station that helps fuel many of their late-night coding sessions.

Advice for prospective employees

When asked for advice he would give his younger self, he simply wishes he could tell his younger self to not feel like an imposter.

“If I were to go back, I would advise myself to chill out. You can’t always keep up with the latest in the crypto industry and be at the forefront all the time. FCAT’s the kind of place where you can just be open about having that feeling and people always try to help,” Auro says.

He adds: “It's not just FCAT, I think the overall culture at Fidelity makes me comfortable to speak about this kind of stuff out loud.”

Respect is at the core

Auro pointed out that the respect FCAT shows towards associates is novel and empowering. He mentioned that often when big firms open branches in places like India, they do so with the mentality that the Indian team can handle the “busy work”.

Things at FCAT are different.

“You get exciting work. You get the same level of creative work here in India as they do in Boston or even in Dublin. What I make from my conversations with my friends and colleagues in other organizations, whenever I talk with them, I see that FCAT is different in this way,” Auro says.

He continued: “I feel at home in a way that feels unique for a ‘job.’ Fidelity is a place where my work just feels so good.”

Answering the tough questions

When we zoom out of our day-to-day routines, we often start to think about deeper questions like: Why do I do what I do? Am I happy where I am? Am I living up to my own potential? Do I feel as though I am valued, not only by my immediate co-workers, but by the global organization that I help support?

FCAT answers those questions for Auro –– and the reason for that can be boiled down to one word: Respect.

Respect for the curiosity of FCAT associates globally and respect for the nascent crypto industry.

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